Join us Dec 7 - Annual BFF Celebration

Tending to the Soil of Our Birth Future, Our Annual BFF Celebration

THURSDAY, DEC 7 at 8 PM Eastern on Zoom

SPECIAL GUEST: Midwife and Healing Facilitator Jamarah Amani will lead us through a meditation and grounding.

Please join us as we honor and celebrate the caregivers .. the midwives , midwifery students and preceptors that care for so many. Join us for self-care, community connection, and celebration!

Free tickets are available or you can choose to support BFF with a donation.100% of funds raised will go directly to allowing us to make grants to more midwives and students. In this season of harvesting, we are also tending to the soil for the future. Join us as we build abundance and expand our grantmaking capacity for 2024.


Tending to the Soil

This is the season of gathering and taking stock of what we have. It is the season of planning and preparation for the future. It is a time calling us to slow down, be still and think about the ways we can take better care of ourselves, our families and our communities as we inch closer to winter. The turning of the year has brought so much for so many of us, collective and individually.

We at BFF pride ourselves on our transparency and authenticity. BFF has always been very intentional and reflective. We have tried to mirror what we want to see happen in this world. We have been working so hard and we have also needed to pause over the past few months due to health, life changes, capacity, grief and loss. BFF has never been afraid to take our time and give ourselves the time we need to build capacity, heal, and rest. We have planted seeds, grown, flourished, and been fruitful. Now it is time to tend to the soil. We have taken the time to do that for ourselves and as an organization. We are calling for you and the larger communities we support to do the same.

BFF is fiscally sponsored by Elephant Circle, a 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 47-1648218. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer.

More event info & RSVP.


50 Grants, $75,000 for Midwives!


In Memory of BFF Co-Founder and Midwife, Kirsten Kowalski-Lane