Birth Future Grants

BFF Grantmaking Principles

  • Support innovative and reimagined approaches to equity and liberation in midwifery care, midwifery education, and the midwifery profession

  • Support initiatives that dismantle systems of oppression in midwifery care, midwifery education, and the midwifery profession

  • Prioritize resources for Black, Brown, Indigenous, and LGBTQIA+ led work

  • Fund leadership development and operating expenses as well as projects

  • Remove barriers to funding with an accessible application process

  • Respect and trust grantee partners

Participatory Grantmaking

BFF is excited to share that we have created our own participatory grantmaking infrastructure. BFF convenes advisory committees of people who represent the grant focus at hand to be the decision makers. Not only does this shift the power of *who* decides, it honors that the knowledge shared by community members is valuable, centering reciprocity and the knowledge shared by grantees as equal to the value of money from donors. We honor the expertise of communities and will provide compensation to our grantmaking advisors.

Reference: Gibson, C.(2018). Deciding together, Participatory grantmaking. Grantcraft.

Birth Future Foundation is a grassroots, grantmaking foundation. Learn more about our approach to equitable and ethical grantmaking for midwifery.

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