Giving Tuesday: 15 Community Orgs to Support Today

As BFF's executive director, I have had the opportunity to learn about so many inspiring organizations doing critical on-the-ground work to advance birthing justice. This Giving Tuesday, I want to share with you some wonderful community based organizations that I would encourage you to check out and support. Some of these organizations have received grants from BFF, others exceeded our capacity to grant this year, and all deserve abundance today and all year round.

Part of our mission at BFF is to uplift changemakers and birth justice leaders hard at work serving their communities, often without national recognition or fundraising teams to bring in resources. I hope you are inspired as we are by the creativity and skill of these wonderful groups.

Giving Tuesday is not only a day for fundraising, but a day when we can all strive to align our actions with our values.

In Solidarity,
Tanya Smith-Johnson


2023 “Tending to the Soil” Grant Cycle is Open!


Announcing BFF’s 2022 Sustaining Birth Justice Grantees