Our Birth Future is Abundant, a BFF celebration - Recording

Our Fall 2022 event was held on Wednesday, November 16 at 8 PM Eastern on Zoom. We were so excited to celebrate BFF’s second year and to announce our fall Sustaining Birth Justice Grantees. We heard from grantees about their critical work in communities across the U.S. and from grantmaking advisory committee members about BFF’s innovative approach to shifting power and resources.

*** Check out the recording below! ***

Thanks to all who celebrated with us on November 16! As always, this was a joyful and nourishing gathering in community. All funds raised through this event will support abundance for BFF’s 2023 grantmaking.


Watch the recording of Our Birth Future is Abundant:


Tanya Smith-Johnson, Executive Director of BFF
Audra Post, BFF board member
Tanzye Hill, BFF grantmaking advisory committee member

And our BFF Sustaining Birth Justice 2022 Grantees!

  • Granny's Birth Initiative

  • Mothers for Mothers Postpartum Justice

  • Want to be Well Doula Services

  • Chocolate Milk Cafe National Inc

  • MAAME Inc (Mobilizing African American Mothers Empowerment)

  • Naturally Nurtured Birth Services


Announcing BFF’s 2022 Sustaining Birth Justice Grantees


Introducing our Inaugural BFF Grantees