Emily Anesta Emily Anesta

50 Grants, $75,000 for Midwives!

We are proud to announce that we have selected 50 midwives, students, and preceptors in the U.S. to receive our Tending to the Soil: Cultivating Community Care Grant!

We were overwhelmed by all the phenomenal individuals who applied or were nominated for our Tending to the Soil Grant. We are excited to announce that we are awarding $75,000 in total for this grant cycle, our largest fund to date!

Thank you! You spread the word, made nominations, applied, and donated. Every member of the BFF community shares in the success and impact of our grantmaking. Thank you for being part of it!

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Emily Anesta Emily Anesta

Announcing BFF’s 2022 Sustaining Birth Justice Grantees

We are thrilled to announce our second round of grants for 2022 and tell you about our phenomenal BFF Sustaining Birth Justice Grantees:

  • Granny's Birth Initiative

  • Mothers for Mothers Postpartum Justice

  • Want to be Well Doula Services

  • Chocolate Milk Cafe National Inc

  • MAAME Inc (Mobilizing African American Mothers Empowerment)

  • Naturally Nurtured Birth Services

At Birth Future Foundation we are committed to participatory grantmaking with those who are building our liberated birth future. A big thank you to our amazing grantmaking advisory committee Tanzye Hill, Cambreisha Montgomery, and RaShaunda Lugrand. And thank you to all our grassroots donors who power our Birth Future grants!

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Emily Anesta Emily Anesta

Introducing our Inaugural BFF Grantees

We are thrilled to share with you our inaugural BFF Grantees:
Alabama Black Midwives Conference,
Birth Detroit,
Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Coalition of Hawaii, and
Dr. Nadia English-Williams.

At Birth Future Foundation we are committed to participatory grantmaking with those who are building our liberated birth future. A big thank you to our amazing grantmaking advisory committee Jaqxun Darlin, CPM, Dr. Analena Hassberg, Maia Raynor, and Audra Post. And thank you to all our grassroots donors who power our Birth Future grants!

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