Emily Anesta Emily Anesta

Watering the Seeds Grant

Birth Future Foundation is excited to announce our new grant making cycle, Watering the Seeds : Midwifery Careand Capacity Building Grant.

We are excited to announce our partnership with Baby Yams, a company launched by Tatyana Ali, who is supporting this grant with proceeds from the sales of baby quilts purchased on baby-yams.com . Baby Yams supports Black and Indigenous birth workers uniquely positioned to give us the care we need.

This grant will focus specifically on midwives and midwifery students. APPLICATIONS CLOSED ON SEPTEMBER 2

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Emily Anesta Emily Anesta

BFF+Baby Yams

We are so happy to launch our partnership and collaboration with Baby Yams, a brand created by actress and activist Tatyana Ali. BFF and Baby Yams share a common goal to empower midwives and birthworkers with the resources to do what they do best, providing culturally concordant and liberating reproductive care. This collaboration strengthens our capacity and brings us closer to realizing our vision of liberation and abundance. Together, we’re better!

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Emily Anesta Emily Anesta

50 Grants, $75,000 for Midwives!

We are proud to announce that we have selected 50 midwives, students, and preceptors in the U.S. to receive our Tending to the Soil: Cultivating Community Care Grant!

We were overwhelmed by all the phenomenal individuals who applied or were nominated for our Tending to the Soil Grant. We are excited to announce that we are awarding $75,000 in total for this grant cycle, our largest fund to date!

Thank you! You spread the word, made nominations, applied, and donated. Every member of the BFF community shares in the success and impact of our grantmaking. Thank you for being part of it!

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